It's Time

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:32)

It’s Time To Learn From JESUS CHRIST.

Are you learning from JESUS CHRIST our Precious LORD? For JESUS CHRIST Himself said, “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light ( Matthew 11:29-30).” Create time to study the Word of GOD. Have the desire in your heart to know GOD. Have a personal intimacy with the LORD always. Read Matthew 18:22-23 . Learn from the LORD JESUS how to tackle every situation in life. Study the life of JESUS in the Bible and you will know how to handle or tackle any situation in life.


GOD loves you.



It’s Time To Know That You Are GOD’S BEST.

GOD loves you. So, refuse to let anyone demean you. You are GOD’S BEST. Believe it, accept it, think, and talk that way.

Value yourself and quit trying to be someone else. You’re valuable to
GOD and your value is the LIFE of His SON, our LORD JESUS CHRIST. Be
happy about You, and be the Best of You for GOD.

Declare this to yourself always, “I am the Best of Me that GOD has. I
love Myself, because GOD my HOLY FATHER loves Me; and I express that
love to other people. Glory to GOD my PRECIOUS DADDY.”



It’s Time To Know.

You can never love the LORD JESUS and fail. It’s not possible. For all things work together for good with those who love GOD and who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me (John 14:21). Every Word of GOD is True.

GOD loves you.



It’s Time To Know That The Globalists Climate Change is a Hoax.

I am of GOD and I know the TRUTH because the SPIRIT OF TRUTH lives in Me and HE is with me forever. The HOLY SPIRIT is the SPIRIT OF TRUTH. So, listen to the TRUTH. Listen to REALITY.

The globalists who are talking about climate change are lying. Their climate change is a big hoax. Deception! Deception! Deception! Deception is the weapon of the devil.

The only climate change we have is winter, spring, autumn and summer. In Africa, it is known as raining season and dry season. This is the only climate change that we have, and it is natural.

Those who are talking about climate change are liars. Those who are telling us that our climate is getting bad are lying. They are deceiving the world with their lies. They don’t want people to enjoy what the LORD has created and given to them to enjoy. They can not create anything, but they are talking about the Climate which they can not create. They can not even add a span to their life.

They are listening to the devil their father who is the father of lies. Don’t listen to them. Listen to the TRUTH, the WORD OF GOD is TRUTH and REALITY. The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY my RIGHTEOUS FATHER Who created the Climate and everything says, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease (Genesis 8:22).” No human being, no spirit can change this. While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. The LORD has spoken. Period! Period! Period!

Finally, we are of GOD: he that knoweth GOD heareth us; he that is not of GOD heareth not us. Hereby know we the SPIRIT OF TRUTH, and the spirit of error (1 John4:6).

Precious HOLY SPIRIT, YOU are the SPIRIT OF GOD. Thank YOU LORD for guide us into all the Truth. Blessed be your HOLY NAME forever and ever.

GOD loves you.



It’s Time To Know That You Are Perfect.

Some of my precious beloved brothers and sisters in the LORD don’t really know who they are in CHRIST. And because of this they are speaking hard words against GOD.

For example, if you ask some Christians that “Is JESUS CHRIST perfect?” they will say “Yes”. But if you ask them that “Are they perfect?” they will say “No”. They will say they are not perfect. This is hard word against GOD our FATHER. They talk like this because of ignorance of the Truth or because they still live by their senses. And the LORD says, “The Righteous shall live by Faith and not by sight. The Righteous shall live by Faith and not by the senses.”

How can you be a member of the Body of CHRIST, of His Flesh, and of His Bones (Ephesians 5:30, 1 Corinthians 12:27); and you say that you are not perfect. Can CHRIST be perfect and His Body not perfect? Absolutely No. HE is the head of the Body, the church; HE is the beginning and firstborn from among the dead, so that in all things HE may have preeminence (Colossians 1:18). And the HOLY SPIRIT says, “You are a member of His Body, of His Flesh, and of His Bones (Ephesians 5:30).

Whenever you say, “I am not perfect”; you are denying the testimony of GOD about you. You are denying His Word.

Again, listen to what the HOLY SPIRIT says, “… As HE is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17).” Now, you can clearly see that you are Perfect because JESUS CHRIST is Perfect. And as HE is, so are you in this world. JESUS is Perfect, so you are Perfect. Our Perfectness is a gift from GOD and not by works.

Finally, take note of this: Whenever you say, “I am not perfect or whenever you say anything contrary to what GOD has said about you”; you are denying His testimony about you. You are denying His Word. Don’t speak contrary to GOD’S WORD. Accept what HE has said about you. Accept what HE has done for you and confess it always.

So, as a Child of GOD, never say that you are not perfect.

Declare, “I am Perfect. Glory to GOD.”

Thank You LORD for made Me Perfect.


It’s Time To Know What The Devil (Satan) Use.

JESUS CHRIST our Precious LORD and SAVIOR says the devil is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Lying is his nature (John8:44). The only thing the devil uses is deception. Lying is the only thing the devil uses against you. If you accept his lies, you will speak his lies and his lies which you have spoken will destroy or kill you.

Don’t believe the lies of the devil. Anything contrary to GOD’S WORD is a lie which comes from the devil.

JESUS loves you.



It’s Time To Think About This.

In the book of Genesis, the Bible says GOD place man in the garden that HE made-the Garden of Eden-and Eden means pleasure. Wow! Can you image that GOD put HIS first man in the garden of pleasure? And HE made sure all things were ready before HE created man, and place him in the garden. From the very beginning, GOD determined that our lives should be full of pleasure-enjoyment!

David understood this and exclaimed, “The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage (Psalm 16:6)”. The contemporary English version gives us a clearer picture; it says, “You make my life pleasant, and my future is bright.” What a confession! In the eleventh verse, he said, “… in thy presence is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore (Psalm 16:11).”

So, never accept the lies of the devil (satan) that you were sent on earth to struggle through life or suffer. People suffer in life because of the decisions they make (Proverbs 19:3).

GOD didn’t bring you to the world so you could struggle through life. JESUS said, “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest (Matthew 11:28).” The things He’s given us is one of blessings, joy, and pleasures forevermore. Everything GOD made, including the world around you, was created for your benefit, He’s given you richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17).

So, enjoy your life.

Blessed be GOD our Righteous FATHER who is so Good all the time.

JESUS loves you.



It’s Time To Know That You Are Complete In JESUS CHRIST.

The HOLY SPIRIT says, “For in HIM (JESUS) dwells all the fullness of the GODHEAD Bodily (Colossians 2:9) … it please the FATHER that in HIM (JESUS)  should all the fullness dwell (Colossians 1:19).”

Now, here’s something so extraordinary: Colossians 2:10 says, “And you are complete in HIM (JESUS CHRIST) …” the Word “Complete” means fullness; to be made full! You’re made full of the same One with whom JESUS is full. That means the GODHEAD has His Home in You.

Therefore, like JESUS, you’re the embodiment of divinity. This happened when the HOLY SPIRIT came into your Life. HE brought into You the totality of the GODHEAD; the fullness of the GODHEAD dwells in you today, as it does JESUS. So, like HIM, you’re the Living House of the Living GOD.

Say this to yourself always, “I’m full of GOD, GOD my FATHER is full in Me; HE walks in Me; HE talks in Me, and I’m therefore, not an ordinary person. Greater is HE that’s in Me than he that’s in the world. The world is under my feet, and I walk in the path of victory and prosperity always. Hallelujah. Glory to GOD.”

GOD loves you.



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